We had a few leftover stories that ended up getting cut from previous episodes. These were too interesting and funny to leave out of the podcast completely, so I’ve assembled them into a bonus episode.
This time, we tell stories about:
New hobbies that we’ve picked up (like wagashi!)
Japanese beach vacations
Dealing with food spoiling and small refrigerators
Visiting the Tokyo Treasure Islands (specifically Oshima)
How well humor translates
Angry Japanese waitresses
Making fun of our friend at Disney Sea
“It was like Dennis was trying to smack this woman in the face. She recoiled in fear as if he were attacking her.”
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Venetian Blinds by Ping Pong Club
Cherry Blossom - Wonders by Kevin MacLeod
Easy Saturday by Bad Snacks
New Moon by Bad Snacks
Island Coconuts by Aaron Kenny
Away by Geographer
Wallflowers by Bad Snacks
Christmas Village by Aaron Kenny
Mizuki by Bad Snacks
Delightful Life by Jekk
Stay tuned for one more bonus episode coming up, plus a final wrap-up episode that will be a send-off for this podcast (😢)!
We have taken both the Buddha Bellies Wagashi - Japanese sweets and tea-making lesson class and Simply Oishii’s Wagashi (mochi) course in Tokyo.
Check out our wagashi attempts on our instagram @sanfransokyopodcast by clicking here.