“A spork for the ground... jammed in your eye as you scream and run through a tornado of fire.”
We cover a lot in the first part of our discussion about surprising technology in Japan. This episode focuses on convenience and the concept of “Galapagos” technology. We talk about:
The inability to pay for bills and health insurance online
SF startup named “Bodega” (recently re-named to Stockwell)
The ubiquity of vending machines
Hot corn soup and diner coffee
Recycling culture and trash cans (or lack thereof)
Communal cleaning / neighborhood responsibilities
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Venetian Blinds by Ping Pong Club
Mizuki by Bad Snacks
Shibuya by Bad Snacks
Delightful Life by JekK
This episode is the first part of our discussion about surprising technology in Japan. Listen to part two here.